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Workout to Try: Billy Blanks Tae Bo

When I am in need for an intense full body workout, the one workout video that I turn to is Billy Blanks. Billy Blanks has created a plethora of fitness DVD’s after creating Tae Bo- a revolutionary total body fitness system that can get just about anybody into better shape- and fast! Tae Bo was developed around 1976 by Blanks, who was creating workouts for himself. The word “Tae” means “foot and leg” in Korean, as many of the movements focus on the lower body. “Bo” is short for “box” as many of the moves incorporate kick-boxing. While exercising along Billy Blanks and his team, you are giving yourself a workout filled with martial arts, boxing, and even dance moves.
I own multiple videos from Billy Blanks, each one about 60 minutes in duration. From the minute I put it in my DVD player until the last stretch is done, my body is on all cylinders. The moves are difficult, the energy is always high, and there are virtually no resting periods. The hard work is worth it though! My body has significantly improved since I started the workouts, and I feel so much better after they are completed. I am honest though when I say these are difficult workouts to complete- the very first time I attempted the DVD, I pushed myself all the way through until the end. Even though my body was screaming at me and my mind was telling me to stop, I didn’t want to give up. I promptly threw up right after it was over. So if at any time during the workout you feel you need to stop, I would recommend giving it a break. If you can’t complete it the whole way through the first time, just keep trying. Eventually, you will be able to get through it and even attempt the more advanced moves with the resistance bands.
I recommend checking out Billy Blanks website,, to learn more about Tae Bo workouts. You can read Billy’s biography, learn about the different workouts he offers, and buy DVD’s and accessories. You can even join the Billy Blanks Web Club (free for 30 days!) and receive discounts, daily motivations, coaching, workout calendars, and fat-blasting meals and nutritional support. Good luck!