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The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson follows 17 year old Lennie after the death of her older sister, Bailey. Lennie struggles to continue a normal life, with her friends and classmates acting awkward around her. Lennie has always been the quiet side of the duo, a band geek that enjoys reading and writing, and is unable to handle when the spotlight is shoved on her. Her grandmother and uncle, whom have raised the sisters after their mother pulled a disappearing act, try to help Lennie through the pain, but nothing can fill the hole of losing a sister. On top of all that, Lennie is trying to get a handle on her new obsession with the opposite sex- including the new boy at school and her sisters ex boyfriend.
I do not usually review YA novels, and I am wondering if that is why The Sky is Everywhere didn’t do it for me. I couldn’t quite grasp the characters, and I felt at times the plot twists were too over the top fictionalized. I definitely felt the tone of the characters were out of sync, and by the time I got to the end, I was just ready for it to be over. There were times when I did feel real emotion for the characters involved, but not enough to recommend the book to the others that are not usually YA readers.
Rating: 2/5