The Workout Machine That Will Take You Across the Globe

nordictrack x7iTwo of my favorite activities are fitness (no really!) and travel. Thanks to the April edition of Fitness magazine, I now know of an exercise machine that will combine both. The NordicTrack X7i  is an interactive incline trainer that uses a Wi-Fi connection to provide multiple routes. The routes are retrieved from Google Maps, so you can get satellite, terrain, and street-level views of each course. So if I want to have a casual stroll through the streets of Italy or just show the hiking area down the street from where I live, I can type in the location and off I go with my interactive workout. One of the best features has to be that the treadmill will automatically adjust for elevation changes in the course. Travel the world without spending any money and get fit- a win win!

1 Comment

  1. April 27, 2010 / 4:36 am

    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later