On Tour: Blow Me by Lennie Ross

Lennie Ross is on tour August 1-15 with her novel Blow Me

Blow Me is the story of three single women—each close to forty and living a life they have long outgrown. Aware that the women’s magazines of their youth sold them a false bill of goods about having it all—the amazing career, the baby, the house, the husband—each woman is desperate to achieve some sense of stability. Skylar, a hairdresser/executive assistant who lost her job and burned down her apartment after a fondue party, is living out of her car; Chloe, a struggling actress/real estate agent with a French Canadian accent who has never sold a house and doesn’t have her SAG card, struggles to get a Green Card; and Dawn, an MBA-educated dating matchmaker, is hedging her bets against the ticking clock by freezing embryos. Their lives are in chaos and their only hope is to be rescued through marriage or by a Hairy Godfather. Situated in the shallow world of Los Angeles, this provocative novel in the style of Sex and the City provides a humorous look at aging, dating, and being single in the new millennium.

Please visit CLP Blog Tours for all the reviews, guest posts, and interviews with Lennie!


  1. Melanie Roberts
    August 9, 2011 / 4:21 pm

    I bought the book! lots of great reviews. cant wait to read it.

  2. Samantha
    August 10, 2011 / 2:37 am

    Awesome, enjoy Melanie!