On Tour: Bouquet Toss by Melissa Brown

bouquet tossMelissa will be on tour January 14-21 with her novel Bouquet Toss

Ever since Daphne Harper graduated from college, all of her friends have fallen in love, become engaged and walked down the aisle. Be it a blessing or a curse, Daphne (a hopeless romantic and perpetual single girl) catches the bouquet at every single wedding she attends.

Daphne’s love life is a mess. Her first love, Mayson, haunts her heart and keeps her from pursuing happiness with any man who comes along. As she struggles to move on from the one who got away, Daphne wonders if she will ever break her curse and find her happily ever after.

Please visit CLP Blog Tours for all the tour stops!

melissa brownAuthor Bio:

Melissa Brown is a hopeless romantic living in the Chicago suburbs with her husband Chris and their two children.  Aside from writing, she enjoys reading and baking.  She also has a slight obsession with actor Henry Cavill and the TV show New Girl.

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Buy the Books!

Bouquet Toss link:

Champagne Toast link: