What is Eyebrow Threading?

threadingFact: I unfortunately do not have nice, groomed eyebrows. Ever since I was young, my brows have just been out of control. I started getting them waxed around the age of 13 because I hated them so much, and the myth that the more you wax something the less hair grows back over time is a lie. I’m going on 23 and the hair still grows in just as thick and just as fast. I have grown accustomed to the waxing procedures and teaching myself how to pluck fairly evenly in between my monthly waxes.


When I was visiting my family in El Paso, Texas over Christmas I saw a stand in the mall for eyebrow threading. Upon closer inspection, I saw a woman moving a piece of thread along other woman’s eyebrows, cleaning up her brows and shaping them at the same time. I was intrigued- especially after I saw that the woman’s forehead wasn’t bright red after she was finished like mine always is after waxing. I decided to give it a try.


Eyebrow threading is a form of hair removal that originated in parts of India, the Middle and Far East. The cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin entwining the hairs in the thread, which are then lifted quickly from the follicle. Threading is becoming more popular in the United States because it is inexpensive- it cost me $10- as there are no chemicals being used. It also does not leave the skin irritated because it is not ripping off the top layer of skin, instead getting underneath the hair follicle and removing the hair in one smooth line- making the shape of your eyebrows look even better.


I will say that I liked eyebrow threading because it was quick, cheap, and my eyebrows did look a lot better than they would if I had waxed or plucked them. It didn’t last any longer than waxing though, and it was incredibly painful for me. After my aesthetician had done one eyebrow, I wanted to ask her to stop because the pain was almost unbearable. It almost felt like someone was taking a razor blade to my eyebrows, and I honestly thought I was going to look in the mirror and see a bloody face when she had finished. Of course I didn’t, I had beautiful looking eyebrows, but I can’t say I will do eyebrow threading again. Waxing is actually less painful in this game of beauty we play.

Source: www.eyebrowthreading.com

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1 Comment

  1. February 25, 2010 / 3:15 pm

    Interesting. I’ve seen a place in our mall that offers these. I’ve always been a little tempted, but not enough to go in and see what it was all about. Thanks for this post. I think I’ll stick with waxing and plucking for now.
