Workout Review: Jillian Michael’s Yoga Meltdown

I started practicing Yoga a few years ago, and I have slowly been progressing. It was not easy at first to catch on to the moves, but I kept at it and really felt and saw the benefits from practicing regularly. I had a handful of DVD’s, as I really enjoy working out in the comfort of my own home, and I’ve upgraded them often. I had one Yoga DVD that I had gotten so used to and the moves were all fairly beginner that I found myself nearly falling asleep while working out. I knew it was time for an upgrade, and I wanted to find something that gave me a challenge. Who better than Jillian Michael’s to look for? I grabbed her Yoga Meltdown DVD and got to it.

And then I cried. Well, not really, but I came pretty close. This was one hard workout. There are two levels to choose from, and I have not yet advanced to the second. This is coming from someone who works out regularly and has been practicing Yoga for many years. In the beginning I was a bit frustrated, confused as to why I was struggling so. Then a girlfriend of mine told me she wasn’t past level one either, and she is a workout guru and Yoga lover as well. If you are looking for a challenging Yoga DVD, pick this one up! I am currently taking Jillian’s 30 Day Shred Challenge, and that is a breeze compared to this workout. I did see in the reviews some people use the 30 Day Shred DVD as a warm-up, then complete this Yoga workout. That sounds pretty challenging, and I might tackle that someday in the future! I really like this DVD though, it’s hard, it’s tough, it makes me sweat, and I really feel like I give it my all when I complete it. Jillian Michael’s has quickly become my new favorite trainer!

[Rating: 5]



  1. November 10, 2012 / 10:31 am

    Could you give me some examples of what was hard? I’d love to try it but think it might be beyond me right now. I’ve only been doing yoga since early summer.

  2. Samantha
    November 11, 2012 / 5:27 pm

    Hi Malena! It’s hard to describe because I didn’t find the actual yoga moves that challenging, but the endurance and strength needed to complete the workout is what made it so hard for me!