Workout Review: Zumba Fitness 2

zumba fitness 2I’m a big fan of working out, and I prefer to do my workouts in my home instead of going to a gym. I have a pretty large collection of workout DVD’s and plenty of small equipment to help me save money on a gym membership – resistance bands, dumbbells, a kettlebell. A few months back I bought Zumba Fitness 2 for the Wii. I have some friends who took Zumba classes and raved over how fun it was and how they love to dance and move and how it doesn’t even feel like a workout. I also love to dance, so I thought this would be a great fit for me.

Unfortunately, it didn’t quite work out. My first problem was with the belt it came along with. You have to put the belt around your wait then put the Wii controller in the little pouch, and that is what tracks your movement. Well, the belt didn’t even come close to fitting me. I was constantly having to stop and make it tighter or adjust it, so I kept getting behind. After a few tries I thought, why not just hold the controller? Doing it that way didn’t help my score but I wasn’t doing this for a game, I was trying to work out. If I didn’t hold the controller at all the game would pause and freeze, so I had to at least be holding it to keep the music going. The next problem I had is that I don’t think it was advanced enough for me. I never broke a sweat or felt challenged while completing the dances, and most of them I found pretty boring. As I write this review, I have actually already given about the DVD. It was worth a shot, but I think I might be better off buying more advanced DVD’s that don’t require me to hold onto a controller! If you are looking for a fun game to play and not really a good workout this could be possibility, but if you are looking for a decent workout, I wouldn’t go for this one.

2 stars