Sometimes Ya Gotta Laugh by Timothe Davis follows thirty six year old Jordan Spencer who hasn’t had a relationship that has lasted for longer than six months. And, that suits him just fine until his two go-to people stop having time for him. Gabby is falling for a guy that Jordan isn’t very fond of, and Chris … is well, having issues of his own. With the two of them slowly drifting further away from Jordan, he has to come up with an alternative plan and decide what to do about the loneliness that he faces without his pals. Should he fight for their friendships? Or should he let them drift further and further to the side. Only time will tell …
Sometimes Ya Gotta Laugh is a dose of chick-lit about friendship, but told through a male perspective. Being a female, I found this take fascinating and really enjoyed reading about the value that certain men place on their friendships. Timothe Davis does a wonderful job at creating very real and believable friendships, and very vivid characters. I actually enjoyed this book much more than I expected. Overall, a great read from an emerging author. Can’t wait to see what Davis comes out with next. My only complaint is the book cover, but that is a very small detail in an overall great book.