Year of the Chick by Romi Moondi

I have gotten to know Romi Moondi fairly well through email after she signed up with CLP Blog Tours, and might even call her a friend – internet friend, but a friend I enjoy chatting with nonetheless. I could tell from her emails that Year of the Chick was going to be a riot, and I was not wrong. Moondi lets her personality shine through the pages, and I could definitely picture her as the main character. Which, um, she sort of is. Read her blog – no seriously, read her blog, it’s super hysterical. Anyway, the story follows MC Romi Narindra, an Indian living in Canada whose traditional parents try to arrange an, er, arranged marriage for Romi and her older sister. Romi, being the non-traditionalist she is, does not want anything to do with an arranged marriage. Year of the Chick follows Romi as she searches for love her own – including being set up with friends and internet dating. She gives herself twelve months to find a man…or be forced to marry a stranger her parents set her up with.

This is probably the fourth book I have read in two months that features an Indian heroine, so I am slowly getting more accustomed to the traditions – such as the whole family living together under one roof. I loved Romi’s spirit and how she wanted to hold out for true love, but sometimes her insistence on finding love made me want to shake her. At times she could be that clingy girl who wouldn’t realize she was with the wrong guy, but it was fun and interesting to watch how she got into situations and got herself out of them. The relationship between Romi and her sister was hysterical, kind of sad, but still super funny how they addressed each – thinks lots of profanity. The ending is definitely a cliff hanger, and I can’t wait to see what comes next for Romi and her love life!

[Rating: 4]

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