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Blog Tour Sign Up: Transplanting Holly Oakwood by Di Jones

Finding her lover in bed with her best friend was the worst thing ever, but leaving London for Los Angeles pushed trouble to a whole new level.

Holly Oakwood’s cosy life is shattered when her boyfriend has an affair with her best friend. Determined to mend her broken heart by throwing herself into her career, but unable to hide her contempt for her new boss, she loses her job as well.

She lands a dream job in a Consulate in LA, but that’s when her troubles really begin. She struggles to settle, loneliness begins to bite, and everyone around her is thin and shallow. She loses her confidence, makes a fool of herself once too often, and her new boss hates her. Can she salvage anything from the train wreck of her new life, or should she return to England?

What ensues is a comically entertaining series of events that catapult Holly into new friendships, the promise of romance and the realization that home is where the heart is.

About Di

Born in Liverpool, I started my working life as a librarian, and have worked in a variety of jobs since, but none were as much fun as the one that allowed me to write and get paid for it. That was a few years ago, and each year it’s become more and more apparent what I want to do is write full time, a dream that first occurred to me at seventeen.

Like my characters, I love my family and friends, beautiful shoes, anything sparkly, the ‘occasional’ drink, parties, and a good belly laugh. I’m addicted to shopping, chocolate, bubble bath and anything else that smells nice, and the sort of TV programmes you’d never publicly admit to watching.

I’ve lived in England, Canada, the Unites States, but now call New Zealand home. I live in a lovingly renovated home overlooking Auckland’s beautiful Waitemata Harbour, with my trusted friends Bronson Boxer and Dolce Dane. They keep me fit and exercised, scare the burglars away, sit loyally by my side throughout my late night writing sessions, and hang on my every word when I read final drafts aloud. They truly are my biggest fans, and I theirs!

I love my life, but not so much that there’s not room to live a load of other lives, through the hearts and minds of my characters, all of whom I adore, and some of whom I’m fortunate enough to call friend.

GIVEAWAY: Stop and Blog the Roses by Fern Ronay

Stop and Blog the Roses: A 2013 Weekly Calendar and Gratitude Journal for the Feisty, the Fabulous and the Old Souls Everywhere is based on lawyer…

Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil by Charlotte Henley Babb

Charlotte Henley Babb is now on tour with CLP Blog Tours and Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil. This was a very unique and quite funny spin on a fairy tale and the fairy godmothers that fill their pages. Maven is the not-so-ordinary fairy godmother, older, wider, and has many trip-ups on the job. But when she just entered the world of Faery, can anyone really blame her? Well, her boss seems to, but what’s more – she might even be out to kill Maven.
The book is built up well with regions such as Mundane, Fiction, and Faery, and the characters are funny and likeable. Maven is quite flawed, when we first meet her she is an out-of-work teacher and living out of her car. I liked her transition to fairy godmother, and I understood the story. There was a chance of getting lost and confused, but the authors does a good job of explaining and making Maven someone who can be relatable. The middle got a little jumbled at times with more characters being brought into the mix, and I found myself really favoring the sections that dealt with primarily Maven. But overall I thought this was a humorous read with a unique twist on what a fairy godmother can really be.
[Rating: 4]

2012 Favorite Reads: Samantha’s Picks

Sad Desk Salad Jessica Grose 5 stars Sarah’s Key Tatiana de Rosnay 5 stars  Blackberry Winter Sarah Jio 5 stars  Don’t Let Me Go Catherine…

Book Review: The Seven Steps to Closure by Donna Joy …

Donna Joy Usher is on tour now with CLP Blog Tours and The Seven Steps to Closure. Tara Babcock is our leading lady, a thirty year-old whose marriage was broken up by another women – her own cousin, Tash. Even worse – her ex and Tash are now set to be married, and Tara just can’t seem to pick up the pieces and move on. When her best friends offer up a magazine article with the title Closure in Seven Easy Steps, Tara decides (after much cajoling) to give it a shot. She never expects the journey that is presented to her – or the closure that it will offer.
I had a blast reading The Seven Steps to Closure! The writing is fun and light and the plot moves along seamlessly from scene to scene. Tara and her friends are a hoot to read about, and I enjoyed that each lady had her own minor plot point to add a little extra to the story. There is a very heart-felt tone the author brings to her writing, yet the book is full of humor and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments to enjoy. One for your reading list!
[Rating: 4.5]

In My Mailbox: Week of December 23

In Samantha’s Mailbox:

Title: When I See You

Author: Katherine Owen

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: WHEN I SEE YOU
She believes that love can never last, promises are usually broken, and true happiness is extremely elusive in the long run. He believes most risks are worth taking, the promises he makes can be kept, and love doesn’t factor in his relationships any longer. They’re both wrong.

Jordan Holloway has never fully recovered from the unexpected deaths of her famous Hollywood parents. At 27, she is still slow to trust and remains uncertain about the true duration of love and happiness. Yet, it’s been four years since she fell in love with Ethan when he rocked her world even as he marched off to war leaving her alone with their young son Max. Now, Ethan tells her this will be his last tour in Afghanistan and that soon the three of them will be together. Still anxious at his leaving again, Jordan extracts a promise for Ethan’s safe return from Brock Wainwright, her husband’s sniper partner and best friend. But, can she put all her trust in Brock and can he keep such a promise?

At 29, Brock Wainwright fully embraces the dangerous life of a Navy Seal. He enjoys his freedom and not being committed to anyone; and, there’s been a long line of women who can attest to that. Everything changes for Brock after he meets Jordan. When the two men return to Afghanistan, Brock’s intent on keeping his promise to Jordan about keeping Ethan safe for a variety of reasons, including the most disturbing one of all, he is more than just attracted to his best friend’s wife. This revelation plagues Brock on the battlefield and in a violent moment changes everything.

Title: Torn Together

Author: Emlyn Chand

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

From her cheating boyfriend to her dead father and cold, judgmental mother, Daly knows she can’t trust others to be there when it counts. This cynicism begins to melt away when she meets Kashi, a light-hearted charmer from India, who decides he cares too much to let her fade into the background of her own life. After a series of false starts, their quirky romance carries them to India, where Daly must win the approval of Kashi’s family in order to seal their “forever.”

Meanwhile, Laine struggles to cope with the pain of early widowhood, fleeing into the pages of her well-worn library and emerging only to perform her duties as a social worker at the crisis pregnancy center. Although her daughter wants nothing more than to work as an artist, Laine doesn’t know how to redirect Daly to a more suitable profession without further damaging their tenuous relationship.

Can Laine look past her pain to learn from an unlikely mentor? Has Daly finally found someone whom she can trust? Will the women recognize their common bonds before the relationship is broken beyond repair?

Torn Together, Emlyn Chand’s first sojourn into Literary/Women’s Fiction, illustrates how our similarities often drive us apart.

Title: The Girls’ Guide to Love and Supper Clubs

Author: Dana Bate

Received: Via Hyperion

Synopsis: Hannah Sugarman seems to have it all. She works for an influential think tank in Washington, D.C., lives in a swanky apartment with her high-achieving boyfriend, and is poised for an academic career just like her parents. The only problem is that Hannah doesn’t want any of it. What she wants is much simpler; to cook.

When her relationship collapses, Hannah seizes the chance to do what she’s always loved and launches an underground supper club out of her new landlord’s town house. Though her delicious dishes become the talk of the town, her secret venture is highly problematic, given that it is not, technically speaking, legal. She also conveniently forgets to tell her landlord she has been using his place while he is out of town.

On top of that, Hannah faces various romantic prospects that leave her guessing and confused, parents who don’t support cooking as a career, and her own fears of taking a risk and charting her own path. A charming romantic comedy, The Girls’ Guide to Love and Supper Clubs is a story about finding yourself, fulfilling your dreams, and falling in love along the way.

Title: Buyer, Beware

Author: Diane Vallere

Received: From Diane Vallere

Synopsis: Out of work fashion expert Samantha Kidd is strapped, until the buyer of handbags for a hot new retailer turns up murdered. Samantha snatches the victim’s job, but is soon convinced the wrong person has been labeled as the perp. With patent determination and a tote bag of tenacity, this chic shamus must get a handle on the suspects, or risk being caught in the killer’s clutches.

Title: After the Rain

Author: Karen White

Received: From Penguin Group

Synopsis: From “one of the best new writers on the scene today” (The Huffington Post) comes the sequel to Falling Home, a novel set in the picaresque town of Walton, Georgia, where one woman is about to discover that the best journey is the one that brings you home.…

Freelance photographer Suzanne Paris has been on her own since she was fourteen—and she has no intention of settling down, especially not in a tiny town like Walton, Georgia. She’s here to hide out for a little while, not to form connections. Her survival depends on her ability to slip in and out of people’s lives, on never staying in one place for too long.

But no one in Walton plans on making things easy for Suzanne. For one thing, it’s a town where everyone knows everyone else—and they all seem intent on making Suzanne feel right at home. For another, Suzanne can’t help but feel drawn to this tight-knit community—or to the town’s mayor, Joe Warner, and his six kids. But Suzanne can’t afford to stick around, even if she’s finally found a place where she belongs. Because someone is looking for her—someone who won’t stop until her life is destroyed…

In Sara’s Mailbox:

Title: Torn Together

Author: Emlyn Chand

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

From her cheating boyfriend to her dead father and cold, judgmental mother, Daly knows she can’t trust others to be there when it counts. This cynicism begins to melt away when she meets Kashi, a light-hearted charmer from India, who decides he cares too much to let her fade into the background of her own life. After a series of false starts, their quirky romance carries them to India, where Daly must win the approval of Kashi’s family in order to seal their “forever.”

Meanwhile, Laine struggles to cope with the pain of early widowhood, fleeing into the pages of her well-worn library and emerging only to perform her duties as a social worker at the crisis pregnancy center. Although her daughter wants nothing more than to work as an artist, Laine doesn’t know how to redirect Daly to a more suitable profession without further damaging their tenuous relationship.

Can Laine look past her pain to learn from an unlikely mentor? Has Daly finally found someone whom she can trust? Will the women recognize their common bonds before the relationship is broken beyond repair?

Torn Together, Emlyn Chand’s first sojourn into Literary/Women’s Fiction, illustrates how our similarities often drive us apart.

Title: You Had Me At Hello

Author: Mhairi McFarlane

Received: Unsolicited

Synopsis: What happens when the one that got away comes back? Find out in this sparkling debut from Mhairi McFarlane.

‘Think of the great duos of history. We’re just like them.’
‘You mean like Kylie and Jason? Torvill and Dean? Sonny and Cher?’
‘I think you’ve missed the point, Rachel.’

Rachel and Ben. Ben and Rachel. It was them against the world. Until it all fell apart. It’s been a decade since they last spoke, but when Rachel bumps into Ben one rainy day, the years melt away.

They’d been partners in crime and the best of friends. But life has moved on: Ben is married. Rachel is not. Yet in that split second, Rachel feels the old friendship return. And along with it, the broken heart she’s never been able to mend.

Hilarious, heartbreaking and everything in between, you’ll be hooked from their first ‘hello’.

Title: The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen

Author: Syrie James

Received: Erin @ Penguin Group

Synopsis: The minute I saw the letter, I knew it was hers. There was no mistaking it: the salutation, the tiny, precise handwriting, the date, the content itself, all confirmed its ancient status and authorship…

Samantha McDonough cannot believe her eyes–or her luck. Tucked in an uncut page of a two-hundred-year old poetry book is a letter she believes was written by Jane Austen, mentioning with regret a manuscript that “went missing at Greenbriar in Devonshire.” Could there really be an undiscovered Jane Austen novel waiting to be found? Could anyone resist the temptation to go looking for it?

Making her way to the beautiful, centuries-old Greenbriar estate, Samantha finds it no easy task to sell its owner, the handsome yet uncompromising Anthony Whitaker, on her wild idea of searching for a lost Austen work–until she mentions its possible million dollar value.

After discovering the unattributed manuscript, Samantha and Anthony are immediately absorbed in the story of Rebecca Stanhope, daughter of a small town rector, who is about to encounter some bittersweet truths about life and love. As they continue to read the newly discovered tale from the past, a new one unfolds in the present–a story that just might change both of their lives forever.

Title: The Look of Love: The Sullivans

Author: Bella Andre

Received: Emlyn @ Novel Publicity

Synopsis: Chloe Peterson is having a bad night. A really bad night. The large bruise on her cheek can attest to that. And when her car skids off the side of a wet country road straight into a ditch, she’s convinced even the gorgeous guy who rescues her in the middle of the rain storm must be too good to be true. Or is he?

As a successful photographer who frequently travels around the world, Chase Sullivan has his pick of beautiful women, and whenever he’s home in San Francisco, one of his seven siblings is usually up for causing a little fun trouble. Chase thinks his life is great just as it is—until the night he finds Chloe and her totaled car on the side of the road in Napa Valley. Not only has he never met anyone so lovely, both inside and out, but he quickly realizes she has much bigger problems than her damaged car. Soon, he is willing to move mountains to love—and protect—her, but will she let him?

Chloe vows never to make the mistake of trusting a man again. Only, with every loving look Chase gives her—and every sinfully sweet caress—as the attraction between them sparks and sizzles, she can’t help but wonder if she’s met the only exception. And although Chase didn’t realize his life was going to change forever in an instant, amazingly, he isn’t the least bit interested in fighting that change. Instead, he’s gearing up for a different fight altogether…for Chloe’s heart.

Baby Talk: Starting Solids

Boy oh boy! I have definitely let the ball slip on my “baby talk” postings but let me tell you, the past six months have flown by. Ethan will be seven months old after Christmas and I can’t believe it! I will have an update on all of those fun things when that time approaches but for now, I thought I would spend a moment to discuss solids.

Ah! Solids! Yes, it has been such an exciting time in taste testing in our home. But, we have been very lucky that everything has gone so well. Ethan LOVES to eat and has picked up solids so easily. Typically, babies start rice cereal around 4 months but around that time, the FDA released a new study that found arsenic in rice (including baby cereal). So, that kind of threw a wrench in our wheel. At first I decided to just stick with breast milk (yep, nursing is still going very, very well) but slowly, I got a little more brave and began to dabble in a few veggies here and there. I have read numerous books and online articles (yep, I’m that mom) that list tips and suggestions for when your baby starts solids, so we followed the guidelines and got started. We fed him a few bites of the same food for a week to test the waters and then would switch it up the next week, and so on and so forth. At around 5 months we really hit solids pretty head on and started introducing oatmeal cereal (no rice in that one!). We started experimenting with flavors and tastes and I have got to say that my little man loves to eat! His favorites by far are sweet potatoes and bananas. We have steered away from feeding him too many fruits (another tip I’ve read) and have stuck mostly to veggies.

So, at a little over six months, that is what we have been up to food wise. Do any of you moms have any suggestions for me? What types of foods did your baby love at this age?

Excerpt from How to Host a Holiday by Kathleen Kitson

Excerpt from How to Host a Holiday by Kathleen Kitson

Stella and I take up stations on opposite sides of the counter and start peeling potatoes.

“I can only stay for maybe an hour and a half, though,” she says. “I still have to wrap presents for my family’s Christmas, and I have to leave no later than nine. I talked to Grant and he’s really excited to come. Oh, and he’s bringing a ham.”

I stop peeling. “A ham? What am I going to do with a ham?”

“I don’t know. Someone gave him a smoked ham and he was so excited about being invited to the Christmas party, he said he would bring it with him.”

I think about this for a few moments. For the past few weeks, I have painstakingly put together the perfect Christmas dinner–not too sweet, not too savory, not too traditional, not too gourmet. The menu walks the fine line between comfort food and culinary masterpiece. And I do not need a rogue ham in the mix. Ham is predictable. Ham is boring. Giuseppe hates ham.

“Stella, just let him take the ham to your family Christmas dinner.”

Her face pales at the suggestion. “Are you kidding me? You know my mother’s a vegetarian and the Christmas salmon is an extreme concession on her part. I can’t bring a date who brings a ham.”

“Ugh. Then you keep it. Seriously, Stella. It doesn’t work with my menu, either.”

Stella puts her hands on her hips and clears her throat.

“This is about Giuseppe, right?”


“You have a crush on him again, don’t you?”

“I have not had a crush on Giuseppe for a long time. Not even six months ago, when he asked me out.”

Stella shakes her head. “You guys are so weird. You’re best friends in high school, then you date for five minutes in college, but you break up because you’re scared dating might ruin your friendship. And then, for the next ten years, you take turns having crushes on each other–but you never like each other at the same time. It’s annoying. And you’re only flipping out about the ham because Giuseppe hates it.”

Guilty as charged. “Ok, I have a little crush on him right now.”

“Then you need to get over it. You’re only in this mood because it’s Christmas, and you’re single and lonely. I mean, why am I even talking to Grant? He’s not my ideal husband–he wears pleated khakis and he Facebook friends every person that he meets, and sometimes he whistles through his nose when he breathes.”

Stella runs to the nearest mirror and grimaces at her reflection. “It’s happening, Ivy. We’re 30. We’re not married. And now, we’re resorting. Plain and simple.”

“We are?” I ask.

“Of course we are. And I only have myself to blame,” she wails. “Oh, why didn’t I get braces when I was 14?” she says, leaning closer to the mirror. “And now I need Botox. And probably a boob job in like five years. How am I ever going to buy a house when I need a whole new…everything?”

I don’t even try to hide the fact that I’m rolling my eyes.

I stand next to her in the mirror and take in our reflections. Despite Stella’s nitpicking, we are not quite the old and decrepit spinsters she thinks we are.

At five foot nine with brown hair and brown eyes, I don’t necessarily stand out in a crowd, especially not next to Stella with her shiny black hair and blue-violet eyes.

She sighs. “See? We have no choice but to resort, Ivy. Just look at us.”

To humor Stella, I look in the mirror again. Neither of us is model-thin. On a good day I’m a size ten to Stella’s eight, but she’s also a couple of inches shorter than me.

And yes, we have laugh lines and what might be the beginnings of crow’s feet–but that’s what happens to a face that knows how to laugh and laugh often. The only way to end Stella’s rant is to simply agree with her.

“You’re right. Just look at us. Arsenic and Old Lace. In the flesh,” I say in a somber voice.

“Spinsters for sure,” Stella agrees, with a twinkle in her eye.

I giggle.

Stella smiles.

Moments later, we are laughing to the point of tears, peeling potatoes once again.

To find out more, How to Host a Holiday can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo

You can find Kathleen online at:

When Girlfriends Step Up by Savannah Page

I received a copy of When Girlfriends Step Up by Savannah Page in exchange for an honest review.

When Girlfriends Step Up follows the tale of Robin Sinclair, a determined young lady embarking on a small publishing house in Seattle. Unlucky in love in the past, she is optimistic about her luck in the future and hopes to one day meet Mr. Right. But, so far he hasn’t turned up and her year only seems to be getting worse when she finds out that she is pregnant. Uncertain of what will happen, she turns to her girlfriends and they really step up when things start to get tough for Robin. She slowly finds her footing in the realm of single motherhood and that is when she stumbles into an attractive co-worker named Bobby and sparks fly. Will she finally meet the one? And will things ever turn around for Robin?

I really enjoyed this book. Early on it seems as though Robin has all the odds stacked against her, but I absolutely loved watching her mature and grow into a strong, confident woman. This book shows real courage and strength from Robin and I loved her relationships with her closest gal pals. I think this book definitely touched on a lot of important topics and many which I have seen some of my own girlfriends struggle with. Overall, this book conveys a good message and I appreciated it because I don’t see that happen often much these days. There were a few hiccups here and there but I would still give this book a high rating.

[Rating: 4.5/5]