My First 5K: Week 12: Ouch, My Ears

I completed my 30 minute run outside yesterday, and I ran into a big problem. I’ve run outside off and on throughout my training, and the weather has been warm, warm, warm. Now the days and especially the mornings/evenings are cooling off, I was reminded of an annoying issue that I have been plagued with since childhood – my ears. I suffered from multiple ear infections and horrible cases of swimmer’s ear. And these problems have stuck with me. Last year when I was visiting my family in North Carolina, we took a trip to Myrtle Beach. The weather was overcast and chilly, but we still braved it and took a dip in the ocean. Once I got water in my ears and then the wind started blowing, it was too painful for me to pretend I was having a good time. I had to get out of the water and out of the wind so I could think straight again.

I have noticed this problem with my ears even when I am running in the gym and the fans are turned on high. After a while, my ears start to hurt so bad that I either have to turn the fans off and tough it out, or give up. When my fiancé and I were running yesterday, there was a strong wind blowing the majority of the time, and when we were running into the wind, I felt like I might throw up because the pain was so bad. I’m worried now for the 5K, which is happening October 6. The weather will be much cooler, and if it’s a windy day, I’m worried I won’t be able to complete the run. I’m not sure if I should get ear plugs, wax, use cotton balls? Has anyone else run into this problem or know someone who has? I want to have a fun experience, but I’m worried that my inner ear problem will put a damper on the day. I’d be grateful for suggestions!

Below is my workout schedule for the week. Bold items are what I would normally complete, non- bold are the 5K training.

Monday: Run 10 minutes, walk 10 minutes

Tuesday: Walk 15 minutes, 50 sit-ups, 60 minute elliptical, 20 minute treadmill incline walk

Wednesday: Run 15 minutes, walk 15 minutes, 10 minute cardio DVD

Thursday: Walk 15 minutes, 50 sit-ups, 60 minute treadmill incline walk, 10 minute Pilates DVD

Friday: 20 minute treadmill incline walk

Saturday: 30 minute run

Sunday: Day Off


  1. August 22, 2013 / 1:55 pm

    One of my friends had that exact same problem. He also suffered multiple ear infections and that ended up damaging a-small-part of his vestibular apparatus in the inner ear. Also, he suffered a very tiny hole in the middle-inner ear wall.. so pressure change caused pain.

    He had to undergo a minor surgery to repair the hole and he was fine afterwards. Consult your ENT specialist. I wish you all the best!

  2. Samantha
    August 22, 2013 / 4:56 pm

    Wow, thanks for the insight Chris!