Book Review: Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo

About the Book

When a Nigerian woman falls for a man she knows will break her mother’s heart, she must choose between love and her family.

At twelve years old, Azere promised her dying father she would marry a Nigerian man and preserve her culture, even after immigrating to Canada. Her mother has been vigilant about helping—well forcing—her to stay within the Nigerian dating pool ever since. But when another match-made-by-mom goes wrong, Azere ends up at a bar, enjoying the company and later sharing the bed of Rafael Castellano, a man who is tall, handsome, and…white.

When their one-night stand unexpectedly evolves into something serious, Azere is caught between her feelings for Rafael and the compulsive need to please her mother. Soon, Azere can’t help wondering if loving Rafael makes her any less of a Nigerian. Can she be with him without compromising her identity? The answer will either cause Azere to be audacious and fight for her happiness or continue as the compliant daughter.

My Review

I will admit the cover really drew me to this book. After reading the synopsis, it sounded like something I would enjoy, and I was right. It was really interesting to read about Nigerian culture, and also how Azere tried to keep those traditions alive while also trying to fit into her new home of Canada. There are several topics touched upon with this – from cultural identity and how it affects each member of a family differently to interracial dating. There was a lot I liked about the book, especially learning about Nigeria and hearing a different perspective from my own on issues from being a woman in the workplace to dating. I didn’t always agree with Azere at times and there were some plot points that either felt too predictable or like something I just couldn’t see happening in real life, but overall I enjoyed this debut from Jane Igharo.

4 stars