Before I Met You by Lisa Jewell

Enchanting and mysterious, Before I Met You by Lisa Jewell, follows young Betty, freshly out of university as she embarks on following her dreams and landing a great job, meeting new friends …. and possibly falling in love. Calm, cool, and collected, young Betty is ready for anything that life throws her direction, well that is until she stumbles upon a mysterious love letter after her grandmother’s death from a man that she has never heard of. Although she tries to move past the contents of the letter, it becomes difficult for her because she is completely captivated by the letter and wonders if it will help her find her own happiness.

This is only the second book that I have read from Lisa Jewell but she has quickly emerged as one of my favorite authors. Featuring a historical perspective, I loved this novel because of the strong, believable characters and their relationships, as well as the prose and intrigue that the novel presented. I loved the dynamic between Arlette and Betty and the dual writing that Jewell did fabulously well. I also thought Jewell created a very beautiful world for the reader … starting first in the 20’s with the stereotypical flapper dresses, transporting the reader through the early 90’s with all of it’s pop references as well. Overall, a truly heartwarming read and a great new addition to my book shelf. I think this book is for any reader who loves a little bit of mystery and intrigue in a read.

[Rating: 4.5/5]