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Beach Body Challenge with Annie McDonnell – A Year of Transformation

LEARNING TO MODIFY IS A GREAT LESSON TO LEARN! I lost 8.8 pounds since I began my Year of Transformation (on Sept. 7th, 2015). I…

Beach Body Challenge with Annie McDonnell – A Year of Transformation

STILL PUSHING FORWARD WHEN MY BODY IS SAYING NO I lost 8.8 pounds since I began my Year of Transformation (on Sept. 7th, 2015). Let…

Beach Body Challenge with Annie McDonnell – A Year of Transformation

LIFESTYLE CHANGES IN FULL EFFECT I lost 7.8 pounds since I began my Year of Transformation.  I am doing better than I thought I would,…

Beach Body Challenge with Annie McDonnell – A Year of Transformation

FOUND MY RHYTHM TO BETTER HEALTH & WEIGHT LOSS I lost 6 pounds this week.  I feel much healthier and happier.  I am on my…

Fitness Review: Toning Ring

Reviewer: Samantha Awhile back I bought a workout DVD and as a bonus, it came with a toning ring. I’d had my eye on one…

Yoga Apparel Spotlight: Fractal9

I am so excited to welcome Christine from Fractal9 on CLP today! You may have seen my yoga adventures via The Cheeky Chicks, and it…

How Hot Yoga Made Me Change

About one year ago, my best friend asked me if I wanted to try hot yoga with her. It was something we had contemplated for…

Website Review:

Contributor: Samantha I recently was asked to review a newer website and my interest was immediately raised. I had seen a little about this…

Fitness DVD Review: Tracy Anderson Method for Beginners

I’ve been interested in trying a new workout, Tracy Anderson in particular, for a while now. She even made my top 10 list for 2014 goals, so I’m happy to report that it’s January and I’ve picked up her beginner DVD. I thought this DVD might be too basic for me, but I’m really committed to trying her full method and other DVD’s so I figured I should start from the beginning. This DVD has two parts, and the first part is very basic. If you are like me and work out regularly, it probably won’t be much of challenge for you. There is a section of stretches using a chair, an arms section with weights, and then a little dance section that has some toning and a little cardio. She does recommend using wrist and ankle weights, which help tremendously to feel something doing the exercises. I did the first week without them and they were just too easy for me. The second week with the weights was definitely more challenging. Overall, the first part would be good for someone easing into a workout routine, because Tracy does a good job breaking her moves down and starting from the beginning. If you are more advanced, be sure to use those weights.
I am just starting the second part this week for the next two weeks, so I’ll give an update on how that goes for me! Happy 2014 and I hope you’re keeping with your goals and resolutions!