Makeup I HATE … But Everyone Else Loves

I hope by the end of this, we can all still be friends. Today, I’m chatting about makeup that I HATE, but everyone else seems to LOVE. In this post, we will go over a couple products, but for the full list of controversial makeup reviews, watch the YouTube video below.

One of the very first products I thought of was the Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray. The tagline for this product is “Party all night. Stay all day.” and they ain’t lying. This setting spray will lock your makeup down; it’s not going anywhere. However, I can’t help but feel like I just sprayed my face with hairspray. For me, it’s not necessary. If you have an oily skin type, really need your makeup to last a very long time, or are going to be hot and sweaty at a rave, this spray may be just what you need. I don’t typically have my makeup on for that long, and I prefer to get my makeup longevity from my primer, a long wearing foundation, a good powder etc

I am a creature of habit when it comes to my brows. Every once in a while I will branch out and try something new. I picked up the LA Girl Shady Slim brow pencil after seeing so many recommendations … and I don’t like it. I do like that it’s so affordable but for some reason this pencil made it take so much longer to do my brows and I never liked the finished look. Also, the shades are a bit off; I bought Taupe and it pulled very red in my brows.

I really thought I was going to love this next one. It comes from one of my top favorite brands. The Dior Backstage Glow Face palette. Now, this isn’t a “hate”, but it’s definitely not a “love”; it didn’t live up to the hype I had built up in my head. Bummer! We all know how much I rave about Dior complexion products. I much prefer the bronzer and highlight singles from their Forever line, over this glowy palette.

No matter how hard I try, I just cannot fall in love with these products like so many others have: