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Blog Tour Sign Up: Don’t Let Me Go by …

Catherine will be on tour in September with her women’s fiction novel Don’t Let Me Go. Kindle or print copies will be available for US/Canada…

The Drought by Steven Scaffardi

The Drought by Steven Scaffardi follows Dan Hilles following his break-up with long term girlfriend, Stacey. Dan is a pretty average guy – he has a normal job, a regular group of friends, and typical male hang-ups. But, it isn’t until after his break up with Stacey that he realizes just how “average” he is. Dan has been out of the dating game for quite sometime, and although he tries to hop right back in, things aren’t quite as simple as he once imagined. The lack of dating leads to Dan experiencing a “drought” … and I’m not referring to a lack of rain. Yes, he has gone quite sometime without having sex. His closest pals rally together and try their best to help out their friend – but it seems like Dan isn’t willing to help himself and can’t really seem to catch a break. Luckily for Dan, he has Kelly to confide in, and after confessing his woes, she begins to teach him just what makes a woman tick. Is Kelly the answer to his prayers? Will the “drought” ever end?

Here at Chick Lit Plus, we occasionally get requests from authors promoting their newest “Lad Lit” novels. Being a female, I sometimes have difficulty relating to the main characters, but not with this one. Steven Scaffardi’s first novel is absolutely hilarious and will leave every reader, male or female, laughing out loud. I found the characters very relatable and know several friends who have found themselves in very similar situations- albeit not as funny as Dan’s particular story. The Drought is well witten and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a book that actually brings the laughs.

[Rating: 4/5]

Interview with Samantha Stroh Bailey

 When did you know writing was for you? Ever since I was a little girl, I have always written. I actually send my first chick…

Beauty Review: NYR Organic

I was super excited when Monica Butschek offered to send me some product samples from the line NYR Organic. Being the beauty junkie that I am – of course I couldn’t say no! So let’s take a looksie at what I got:

• Frankincense Hydrating Cream
• White Tea Enriching Facial Mask
• Rejuvenating Frankincense Facial Serum
• Wild Rose Beauty Balm
• Beauty Sleep Concentrate

Um, can we say SCORE! I’ve had a blast these past two weeks trying everything out. I think my favorite product was the Hydrating Cream. Have you seen the commercials where someone gets whacked in the face with a shirt and it immediately turns to water? I don’t even know what product that is for in all honesty, but that’s how I felt when I slapped this on my face. Cool, refreshing, and hydrating. I really enjoyed using the facial mask as well. When I wiped the product off, my face just felt cleaner, which I don’t get with all the masks that I try. It’s hard to describe the feeling, but I would definitely use this again and again! I was really intrigued by the Beauty Sleep Concentrate, and wish I had more of this stuff to keep trying it out. It says that it “recharges and works with your skin’s natural night time rhythm” which sounds pretty spectacular. But I do know that it smelled good and I enjoyed using it for a few nights. And last but not least, the Facial Serum and Beauty Balm were also great products. I used both in the mornings to give my skin a perk-me-up, and I think they worked fabulous.

Not only can you use these fab products (and much more than what I’ve featured) but you can also be in your own business as a consultant for the line! For more information, please contact Monica for all the details!

Monica Butschek
NYR Organic Independent Consultant

Finding Lucas by Samantha Stroh Bailey

I received a copy of Finding Lucas from Samantha Stroh-Bailey in exchange for an honest review. This book opens to Jamie Ross celebrating her five year anniversary in Montreal with her boyfriend Derek. A weekend that should be filled with romance and feelings of happiness, it turns out to be the opposite for Jamie. Since when have her Derek been so off with one another? What happened to the laid-back guy with long hair she first met – and how did he become a metrosexual with too much hair gel and only caring about climbing the corporate ladder? Jamie realizes that she is unhappy, but she just can’t make that jump from safe relationship to being alone and starting over. When the TV show she works for devises a plan to reunite lost loves, Jamie starts thinking about her first love- Lucas. Perhaps this is a sign, telling her to get rid of Derek and find Lucas. Jamie dives head-first into hunting down her past love and hoping he still thinks about her, without realizing the one she really wants is right in front of her.
I loved this book! And here’s a strange thing – I’m pretty meticulous about editing, and this book did have a lot of instances with the quotes inside the punctuation, which drives me crazy. Also, the book was a bit long, which sometimes frustrates me as well. But even with those two things, once I finished reading I knew this was a 5 star book. Very rare for me, and just shows how much I truly loved the writing and plot. Jamie was such a fun and unique heroine. Her lifestyle and family is a bit different, and I found both her and the supporting cast really intriguing. I also liked the romance parts. It was clear Derek and Jamie were not meant to be, but I was never really sure who she was going to end up with, and I liked the mystery. Also – I was totally laughing yet seething when Derek and his mom gave Jamie a “breakup bill” – oh man, that was good! I really loved this book and it is going on my Favorites List!
[Rating: 5]

Blog Tour Sign Up: Free Gift With Purchase by Jackie …

Jackie will be on tour in September with her contemporary women’s fiction novel (with sub genres of chick lit and romance) Free Gift With Purchase.…

Charming Tuesday: A Beauty Favorite

Like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end … and today marks our final posting for Charming Tuesday. In a few weeks we will be starting a new segment that will feature some of our favorite beauty products, but for now, this will be the last Charming Tuesday. So, in honor of a fun and fantastic few weeks with this feature, Samantha and I have listed below our absolute ALL TIME BEAUTY MUST HAVES! Enjoy!

Charming Tuesday Product of the Week: ALL TIME BEAUTY MUST HAVE

Samantha’s All Time Beauty Must Have:

With our last Charming Tuesday post, Sara and I decided to pick our all-time must have product. Of course I can’t choose one, so I decided to write about the products that I bring in my small makeup bag when I am going out. These are what I call my essentials, and I have actually made my boyfriend leave a friend’s house once to go back home and get my bag for me. I feel naked without it when I’m out and about. So here’s my essentials:

1. Concealer. I use Almay Clear Complexion Concealer, and it is fabulous at covering up any marks and staying put throughout the night.

2. Eyeliner. I use Maybelline Showstopper in navy. When I opt out of eyeliner, I could pass for the kiddie buffet. Not a good look for me. I have eyeliner on hand wherever I go.

3. Lip Gloss. Sara got my hooked on Maybelline Baby Lips lip gloss. It has turned into an addiction. I now have cherry, peach, and quenched.

4. Eyelash Glue. Yes, I wear fake eyelashes, and often. I always have my adhesive on hand for any just in case moments and have lash stuck my cheek. That has yet to happen, but you never know.

Those are my makeup essentials. I also always pack a mini-deodorant (hello dance floor), an extra hair tie that usually ends up going to a girlfriend, and a pair of flip-flops if I’m wearing heels. I love big purses, and my feet thank me at the end of the night.

Sara’s All Time Beauty Must Have:

I have two. My first beauty favorite is actually fairly new. Recently, I started hearing all the buzz about the new BB creams that were being introduced onto the market. As I have mentioned before, I am usually a pretty low maintenance gal, and most days leave the house without any makeup on. But, I was interested to try out this new product and see what all the buzz was about … so I went to my local Walgreens and picked up the new Garnier BB Cream and was amazed with the results. This product renews, brightens, evens, hydrates, and protects skin – and it really does. My skin had a dewy glow right after application! By far, this is my new favorite and I’m sure I will be using it from here on out.

My other favorite must have beauty product is actually sunscreen. I’ve always been very diligent with my sunscreen usage because my skin is so fair, but two summers ago, I found out that I had a melanoma on my upper right arm. It was a very scary time in my life but I am glad that we were able to find it and remove it all completely. I now go to the dermatologist every three months to have my skin checked and am even more diligent about my sunscreen application. Because of my past, I literally fly through bottles of sunscreen. Some work better than others, but to me, they are all the same … but my face is a different story. I have found that regular sunscreen on my face is too harsh and often times burns my skin. That is, until I started wearing Ocean Face Potion. This stuff is fabulous! It protects my skin without the irritation, plus the container is small and I can carry it around in my purse. By far, my absolute must have product – I literally have a container in my purse, my car, my gym bag, and a few in our medicine cabinet. I highly recommend this product.

Worth Lying For: Book Excerpt

Lisa Cheney & Lisa Craig


I was too old to be scrabbling for loose change on the floor of my car. But the twenty-two pennies mined from the bottom of my purse wouldn’t buy me a coffee at George’s Market. An archaeological dig under layers of receipts, magazines, and old shopping lists was bound to unearth fifty-three cents more. I found a quarter by my feet, then, leaning over, hit the mother lode under the passenger seat: four dimes and a nickel.
I was about to haul myself upright, spare change and pride in hand, when some idiot zoomed up and parked right next to me, even though mine was the lone car in the lot. Craning my neck, I saw a mint condition, 1968 Shelby Mustang GT500. I may only be a receptionist/bookkeeper, but I’m a receptionist/bookkeeper for a classic car restoration garage. I know my muscle cars. And for my money, the 1968 Shelby is the best looking automobile ever made.

The early October morning sun glinted off its shiny black paint and bright chrome trim. I was filled with the covetousness I usually reserve for designer shoes and the occasional signature handbag. If I could own a car like that, and the right pair of stilettos to match, everything in my life would be perfect.
As I sighed over my vision, Jimmy Adler, the biggest jackass I had ever known, stepped out of my dream car. The driver—it was painful to think of him as the owner of this classic vehicle—had spent our high school days in a haze of pot smoke, emerging occasionally to sell to others or publicly berate his girlfriend, Tina. I hadn’t seen him much in the past twenty-some years, which was surprising considering we live in such a small town. Then again, in a small town you hear about people whether you want to or not. It was common knowledge that he had continued on his sordid path, and Tina, now his ex-wife, would never bring charges even after all the domestic violence calls. He was an absolute pig and he was driving my car.

In contrast to my own tee shirt and ancient wrinkled slacks, he was decked out. He had on a gorgeous black leather jacket that, even from a distance, I could tell was a soft, supple lambskin that called out to be petted. He hadn’t gotten fat, or lost his still-brown hair. Truly, there is no justice in the universe.
I watched him swagger toward the store. No, make that stagger. He weaved two steps sideways for every one he took forward. He was completely hammered and it was not yet nine in the morning. Stumbling over the front step to the market, he smashed his forehead against the glass door. He obviously felt no pain as he bounced off in surprise and fumbled for the pull handle. He pushed on it for a minute or so while shouting out some garbled swearing, before he realized he had to pull the door open. He hadn’t changed a bit.

The Shelby was parked way too close, but as long as I eased my door open there was enough room to get out. As satisfying as it would have been to bang my car door into his, I had to rise above such pettiness for the sake of the Shelby. A work of art is a work of art, no matter how big of an idiot the owner is. I lightly ran my fingertips over its smooth paint. Torturing myself further, I peeked inside the open passenger window at the red leather interior. Perfect. Damn it.
On the pristine leather of the passenger seat, next to an empty fifth of Jack Daniels and a couple baggies filled with suspicious-looking herbs, I saw a black duffle bag. Inside the unzipped bag I could see money: stacks and stacks of money. Not Monopoly money. Real, U.S. legal tender. Stupid drug dealing bottom-feeder, how do you end up with a Ford Shelby and a bag of cash while I’m looking for change under the floor mats of a Ford Escort?

On its own reconnaissance my hand shot out and grabbed the bag, then dragged it through the open window. Adrenaline tightened my throat as I stared at my offending hand. This was wrong, so very wrong. I was an upstanding citizen who paid her taxes, mortgage and insurance on time. I believed in my heart that world peace was possible. I had never so much as stolen somebody’s thunder.

Put. The money. Back. Slide the bag through the window, drop it back on the seat and this never happened. I dropped the bag through the open window of my car instead. Inexplicably, I found myself behind the wheel, speeding away as fast as my little junker would go.
I drove two tenths of a mile straight downhill then came to a screeching halt at the end of a treacherously narrow driveway to a daycare establishment called Smartypants, where I turned around. I came back up the hill in time to see the Shelby racing away in the other direction. Jimmy ignored a stop sign, hung a left with tires squealing, then disappeared from sight.

I went around the block slowly. I had no idea where Jimmy was headed. Chasing after him—for any reason—seemed like a bad plan.
As I cruised past the storefront it was impossible to see in or out through the layers of beer and liquor advertisements obscuring the windows. The convenience store had no obvious security cameras pointed at the parking lot. I was fairly sure Mr. George had no security measures in place at all, aside from a baseball bat he kept next to him at the checkout. I thought back. I hadn’t heard any cars driving by earlier and there hadn’t been a soul anywhere in the vicinity.

I had pulled off the perfect crime without even trying.

+ One by Brian Baleno

+ One by Brian Baleno follows the all too common problem today about finding balance between love and work. Jake, the main protagonist, finds himself in quite the predicament because he is a workaholic for a job that he loves and in a relationship with a woman that he loves. So, which one will he choose? Love or Money? This novel takes an in depth look at both sides of his predicament and how it effects those involved.

I found + One to be well written and also a very in-depth look into what many individuals face today. The characters are well written and realistic, as are the dilemmas that they face. I found the dynamic between Jake and Kara to be raw and heartfelt. This book is definitely not a happily-ever-after type of book …. seeing as how he is unable to make his relationship with Kara work, but we get to watch Jake as he grows as a person and matures. Seeing as how I am a female, I wanted a little more love and a happy ending, but I know that sometimes things happen and relationships don’t work out. I found the ending to be refreshing and honest. Overall, a great lad-lit novel from a debut novelist. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read from a male perspective.

[Rating: 4/5]