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Primping and the Opposite Sex

I read an article in a women’s magazine last week that got me thinking. The article was about how women shouldn’t get too comfortable with their boyfriends or husbands. This means not being seen without your makeup on, not letting him see you putting on a face mask, or not letting him watch while you tweeze your eyebrows. You also shouldn’t wear sweatpants, women should try to be sexy when around their men. I’m sorry, am I back in the 1950’s? This article was in a popular women’s mag, and I was pretty disappointed with it. I live with my boyfriend, and there are days that I simply don’t want to put makeup on. If I’m not going anywhere and will just be lounging around the house, who says I need to have a full face on? And at night I often use cleansers or a face mask, and I don’t feel like I need to confine myself to the bathroom when I have these on. If I want to go into the bedroom to pick out my clothes for the next day, I will. I don’t care if the BF sees me. Do I think he thinks I am just naturally beautiful all the time? Um, no. He knows I wear makeup, and he knows I use products to keep my skin from breaking out. This is not a shock to him, nor should it be to any guys. And why the hell can’t I wear sweatpants? He wears sweats or basketball shorts every night, but I have romp around in lingerie every day? I don’t think so. Not only that, but the BF has plucked my eyebrows before, and I have returned the favor. We tried out the Biore pore strips- on our three year anniversary no less- to see if they worked. I don’t feel like I should have to hide parts of my life from my boyfriend just because it shows off another side of me, a side that might not always be pretty or sexy. But that shouldn’t matter. What should matter is that I know he loves me, when I wear fake eyelashes on and when I don’t.
What do you ladies think? Are you afraid to let your man see you without mascara? I think it would be exhausting to try to look and act perfect all the time around the one I love. Isn’t love supposed to be about acceptance and letting you be who you really are? With all this said, I’m not trying to say that I’m completely disgusting around my boyfriend either. I shut the bathroom door when I pee. But I don’t think that not ever being able to primp while he is looking is possible. Especially once we moved in together. I should be able to feel comfortable in my own house, regardless that my roommate happens to be my lover as well. Are you afraid to let your boyfriend or husband see part of your beauty routine? Do you wear silky PJ’s every night? I would love to her any opinions on this subject!