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Fitness DVD Review: Tracy Anderson Method for Beginners

I’ve been interested in trying a new workout, Tracy Anderson in particular, for a while now. She even made my top 10 list for 2014 goals, so I’m happy to report that it’s January and I’ve picked up her beginner DVD. I thought this DVD might be too basic for me, but I’m really committed to trying her full method and other DVD’s so I figured I should start from the beginning. This DVD has two parts, and the first part is very basic. If you are like me and work out regularly, it probably won’t be much of challenge for you. There is a section of stretches using a chair, an arms section with weights, and then a little dance section that has some toning and a little cardio. She does recommend using wrist and ankle weights, which help tremendously to feel something doing the exercises. I did the first week without them and they were just too easy for me. The second week with the weights was definitely more challenging. Overall, the first part would be good for someone easing into a workout routine, because Tracy does a good job breaking her moves down and starting from the beginning. If you are more advanced, be sure to use those weights.
I am just starting the second part this week for the next two weeks, so I’ll give an update on how that goes for me! Happy 2014 and I hope you’re keeping with your goals and resolutions!

30 Day Shred Challenge – COMPLETE!

After 30 days of listening to Jillian Michael’s tell me not to quit, I have successfully completed the 30 Day Shred Challenge! Whew – that was a hard month! I’m proud of myself that I didn’t miss a day – even with 4 days out of town over Thanksgiving break. My fiancé’s family might think I’m loony because I lugged home hand weights and a DVD, but that’s okay! So, how did I fare? Pretty good I think. I did Level 1 for 10 days and the Level 2 the rest of the way. On day 30 I just had to see what Level 3 was about – and it was HARD! My plan is to complete this workout again in February (in time for my wedding dress fitting) June (hello summer/bachelorette party) and August (prepping for my wedding). I didn’t change my diet or do anything like that this time around, and in February I am going to try to cut out soda for the 30 days. I will say that doing the workout helped me eat better. Who wants to eat a big greasy burger and fries after all that hard work? My final measurements: I lost 2 1/2 inches off both my waist and hips, and 1 inch on each thigh. I did gain 3 pounds, but I believe that is muscle, and I was more concerned about the inches than weight! I really recommend this DVD for those looking for a challenge and a great workout. I am so happy with my results and – dare I say – actually looking forward to this again!
[Rating: 5]

30 Day Shred Challenge: One Week Left

I am just about finished with Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred Challenge! Friday will mark Day 30, as I have yet to miss a day since November 1. As I write this, I am sitting at my fiancé’s parent’s house, where we have been staying the past three days for the Thanksgiving holiday. I was worried that I would have to miss a day (or two or three) because of our schedule, but I lugged home the DVD and weights with me and have completed the workout in the mornings. It makes me proud to say that I am so dedicated to something, and my body really is seeing changes. I have lost another half inch on my hips, and my abs have some serious definition. I have also noticed stronger-looking arms and shoulders. I don’t think I will make it to Level 3 in this 30 days, but hopefully the second time I give this challenge a go I will be able to. I’m looking forward to seeing my measurements at Day 30, and can definitely appreciate the sculpted body that has come from all the hard work. I am so super happy I purchased this DVD!

Thirty Day Shred Challenge: Level Two

I am typing this on Sunday, so I am on Day 11 of the 30 Day Shred Challenge. How am I doing so far? I would say not too bad! I actually have not completed today’s workout ( I just got home from traveling out of town) but I plan on doing that once the Eagles/Cowboys game is over. I will moving up to Level 2 starting today, as I did 10 days at Level 1 and I feel okay to move on. I’m nervous; I won’t lie. A few of the moves were difficult for me in level 1 – I hate pushups, and the side lunge with a shoulder raise really did me in. So I’m curious what will be in store for me next! I will be taking my measurements again tomorrow, but in the first five days I had lost a half inch on my waist and an inch on my hips, so I think that is pretty good! It hasn’t been too hard for me yet to complete the workout every day, I think it goes by really fast with the 3-2-1 system…and I work from home Monday-Thursday 😉 Today is the first day where I feel it is a bit difficult to get it done, simply because we got home late and I’m exhausted from all that driving (in rain and sleet!) the past two days. But maybe it’s a good thing I’m starting Level 2, because I am actually excited to see what the moves are and that is helping motivate me – much needed today!

Workout Review: Jillian Michael’s Yoga Meltdown

I started practicing Yoga a few years ago, and I have slowly been progressing. It was not easy at first to catch on to the moves, but I kept at it and really felt and saw the benefits from practicing regularly. I had a handful of DVD’s, as I really enjoy working out in the comfort of my own home, and I’ve upgraded them often. I had one Yoga DVD that I had gotten so used to and the moves were all fairly beginner that I found myself nearly falling asleep while working out. I knew it was time for an upgrade, and I wanted to find something that gave me a challenge. Who better than Jillian Michael’s to look for? I grabbed her Yoga Meltdown DVD and got to it.
And then I cried. Well, not really, but I came pretty close. This was one hard workout. There are two levels to choose from, and I have not yet advanced to the second. This is coming from someone who works out regularly and has been practicing Yoga for many years. In the beginning I was a bit frustrated, confused as to why I was struggling so. Then a girlfriend of mine told me she wasn’t past level one either, and she is a workout guru and Yoga lover as well. If you are looking for a challenging Yoga DVD, pick this one up! I am currently taking Jillian’s 30 Day Shred Challenge, and that is a breeze compared to this workout. I did see in the reviews some people use the 30 Day Shred DVD as a warm-up, then complete this Yoga workout. That sounds pretty challenging, and I might tackle that someday in the future! I really like this DVD though, it’s hard, it’s tough, it makes me sweat, and I really feel like I give it my all when I complete it. Jillian Michael’s has quickly become my new favorite trainer!
[Rating: 5]

Crunch! Yoga Body Sculpt Review

I am all about saving time, and that extends to my workouts. I knew I was needing to add another Yoga DVD to my collection, but I wanted Yoga with an oomph. I found Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt from Crunch Fitness, a brand that I have tried before and I really loved. I purchased the DVD, which promised to not only give me all the great benefits of yoga, but also tone, sculpt, and strengthen my body. Bethany Lyons, who is an AFAA and Power Yoga certified instructor, leads you through a series of yoga moves combined with sculpting moves, and it all has a very flowing feel towards it. This workout is aimed more at the beginner or intermediate levels, so I found it challenging but too much where I was frustrated. I did learn a few new moves which I enjoyed, and the ending in pigeon for a hip opener was a nice stretch. I will say that if you are a beginner, you might become confused on your breathing. Breathing is huge in yoga, and Bethany never really explains the importance or how to do it, so that would be tough. For me, I’ve been practicing yoga for a few years now so that wasn’t a problem, but I thought that should be pointed out. I also did have trouble keeping my palms together during sun salutations, but that was never a big problem. I usually ended up just separating them anyways. I thought the sculpting sessions for the buns and thighs were tough and I definitely felt it the next morning, which is always a positive sign! Overall, I thought it was a really great DVD if you are looking for some challenge in your yoga routine.
[Rating: 4]

Shape Magazine Workout DVD’s

I think most of you can tell I am a big fan of Shape Magazine, but it’s not just their magazine that I utilize for fitness. Shape makes fabulous workout videos, and I just bought my 3rd workout DVD last week. I really like their DVD’s because they offer so many different segments in one. For example, I just bought the Shape: 20 Minute Makeover DVD. This includes a 20 minute interval training, where it has high intensity cardio segments and low intensity strength training segments, so your body is getting a complete workout. Then, it has 4 ten minute segments that target a specific zone: arms, abs, thighs, and butt. And more- it also has a bonus cardio routine for a quick, fat blasting workout. So depending on the mood I am in or if there is a specific area on my body I want to get toned up, I can choose from one of the routines. And I like the fact that they are short, but effective workouts. I don’t have a whole lot of time to devote to fitness, so quickly being able to burn calories is the best for me. I would recommend everyone to check out the DVD’s Shape has to offer and find one that works the best for you!