Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea

are you there vodkaI have been a fan of Chelsea Handler since the beginning of her popular late night show Chelsea Lately on the E! network. When I learned she had books out, of course I had to scoop them up. I started with Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea. And I loved it! The story speeds through Chelsea’s life, ranging from her as a young girl up until she is an adult, highlighting some of the most bizarre and hilarious events that has taken place. From telling her classmates that she is a major movie star with Goldie Hawn, a girl-on-girl stint in jail, and all her crazy family issues in between, this book kept me laughing until the end. Handler’s uninhibited point of view and sarcastic remarks kept me laughing out loud, and even though at times the story line seemed a bit all over, her narrative kept it all flowing together. If you can appreciate cynical, self-deprecating humor and raunchy situations, be sure to check this one out! If you have seen Chelsea Lately and don’t find her funny, or are sensitive to racy content, I would suggest passing.