Intimate Encounters by Sierra Michaels

intimate encountersCali is leading two very different lives. While a graduate student earning high grades in her archeology field and working to finish her master thesis, she also works as a sensual massagist, working with a handful of other young women that are trying to get by in life. Cali struggles with finding normalcy, even though the only men she is meeting is for her services, and her friendships are with women who perform those same services each night. She desperately wants out of the shady business, especially after she is drugged and raped by a client, and a cop poses as a client to bust the illegal acts. But she knows that she can’t hold down a regular job while trying to finish her studies, and the money she makes is too good to refuse.

Intimate Encounters is the debut album from author Sierra Michaels, and is a genuine piece about the struggles many women must deal with. The heroine is wondering if she made the right choice about her chosen field of study, but feels she has come to far to turn her back now. And she knows she can’t keep on leading this double life to make great money if she wants to be able to settle down with a man. Though the novel talks openly about extremely proactive subjects, I never felt I was reading a ‘dirty’ book. Instead, I felt truly touched by Cali and the decisions she needed to make.  Encounters is a favorite of mine, mostly due to Michaels being able to take this character who is unsure about her life and is going down the wrong path, and be able to set her straight. It was a long journey for Cali, and I think readers will not only respect the decisions she made along the way, but find the inspiring message lying within.

Rating: 5/5